Monday, June 14, 2010

The Rush of Spring

As we near the middle of June, I am finally feeling brave enough to put out the squash, tomatoes, root veg (of all sorts) and flowers that I have started from seed.  The herbs will go out once they're a bit sturdier.  In the last month I have noticed a few things that are from last year and have re-seeded on their own:  purple husk tomatillos (which thrived and produced immensely last year), onion sets that did not grow last year but thought they'd try this one, pansies throughout my purely-flowers-bed from us tossing the heads underneath the plants last year (then they spread with the watering), and a chunk of Stupice tomatoes (awesome, hearty cold weather - Czechoslovakian - tomato). Oh, and also a chunk of Early Market carrots.  All of the tomatoes that we planted are short season, cool climate adapted.  There are some from Scotland, and a repeat of the Stupice from Czechoslovakia.  I'm hoping that the Scottish are hearty also because fresh tomatoes are our absolute favorite.  The neighbor girls - the youngest in particular - "helped" me plant and her quiet, serious mimicking made my work fly by.  Watching kids absorb our actions is wonderful. 

Ruby's calf, Opal, has been receiving the lion's share of milk lately and is turning into an outstanding heifer.  We've been encouraged to "at least" show her locally, but also to take her to larger shows throughout the state this summer.  Not sure if we'll have time for that, but if we do continue to raise registered-only stock, then it would be good marketing for us to go on the road with our animals a bit. 

The rabbits have been doing a great job mowing/grazing our lawn.  We move them once a day, and usually they have it pretty well trimmed down inside their pen.  Richard built the pen, so it is solid.  We joke that our dog house is "Fort Freitas" (also built by him) and that this is "Fort Rabbit" because they are both a bit heavy for their purposes.  At least we know they won't blow away, and should someone try to shoot our rabbits, the wood is thick enough to stop the bullet ; )

A note about becoming a more timely milker:  I am.  Not quite as early as I'd like, but much better than when we were sick!