Hello all! I have obviously been long-absent, and I apologize. Life has been wild these last 5 months.
Where to start...?
How about cows?
We have a new bred heifer, bought from the Cantagree Dairy (LOVE this name) in Mendon, UT in early September. She is another native-bred Milking Shorthorn, and while Ruby is on the beefier side of that breeding, Carrara (fancy name she came with huh?) is on the dairy side. Meaning she has no butt and is narrow. She could slip through a chute gate just about and she'll be two in March. This makes a "herd total" of three head: Ruby (3 this year), Carrara, and Opal (1 this year). I will be milking both the older girls this spring/summer, and halter-breaking Opal. Opal may even get entered in the fair this year if she continues to grow and look like she does - and halter-breaks without serious injury on my part. Kidding. Kind of. Between haltering her and training Carrara to milk (and reminding Ruby she IS a milk cow) I'm betting that I carry some beautiful bruises this season. At least they'll offer conversation-starters while tubing on the river...I guess, that's the biggest "plus" I can come up with.
Oh! There is chard & spinach coming up from last years plants on the north side of the house (in a snug 4' space between our house and our fence on that side). I did not know that they did this...and am wondering if they didn't just go dormant under all that snow we got. Whatever the reason, it is really exciting to see green - edible green - coming up. I am actually excited to eat the stuff simply because it's fresh; mark the date, four months from now I will hardly touch it. Chard is that far down the list of things I'll willingly eat. Unless there's gravy.
More to come - but cannot remember for the life of me what else I was going to write. The gravy thing made me go blank.
I love gravy.
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