The cows are officially in next to the barn for us to work them! I'm excited. Well, maybe not excited about hopping around the pen halter-breaking calves (and teaching Carrara - who's 2 1/2 - to lead, not just tie), but excited just the same. I'll be gentling a molly-faced black heifer too, she's Opal's best pal and the farmer & co. want her to be the replacement for her aged mama is the mellow cow of the herd (mama was a bottle baby, but is now an
old cow). She was born the same month as Opal, so they've been the two little heifers of the herd and have consistently stuck with each other from pasture to pasture. They eat, sleep and play together. Pretty sweet. Even sweeter is that the farmer who owns her and the land (and the herd) was concerned that they would be separated. I am
not milking her too. Just for the record. She's apparently just going to be a best pal of Opal's for the foreseeable future.
Today the kids and I fed the girls, then went in and haltered & tied Ruby, then brushed her spring-shedding-hair off. She is almost completely slick and shiny now. My favorite way for a cow to be!
I went shopping for a couple rope halters for the little girls to wear/drag/get worked in, but only found tricky-looking ones that have all kinds of buckles and chains...
not the dragging, comfy-ish type. So I bought 10 ft of nylon rope and will be making my own. Or just attempting to. Maybe just letting the kids "rope" each other with a severly mangled and melted, 10 ft section of rope. I'll keep you posted, but will hopefully be putting up a "how-to" for making them soon!
Both Ruby and Carrara were artificially inseminated (AI'd) a week or so ago, so we'll find out around the 27th if they took or not. Hoping, hoping, hoping that they did and they the calves don't come out until next year. I've watched "The Princess and The Frog" too many times, I just had a flash of the little blonde one asking the Evening Star: "please, PLEASE, PLEEEEAAAASE?!!!!!" and felt that it was a perfect example of how much I want calves next year.
In the meantime, I've been milking my friend Letha's Jersey a couple times a week so that she gets a break and we get fresh milk. It makes me
so happy to milk, and I love that it's a cow that's got a few seasons of milking under her um....udder? I don't know if it's because I've only milked Ruby - who was new to it entirely - or because she's a very nice girl for me, but it is
so so much mellower milking Nova. So much. She's a nice girl. I think that I'll try milking Ruby just tied up and hobbled (I just tie Nova up, she hasn't made me want hobbles yet - thank the Lord!) after she eats her grain; that she may like that more than the stanchion. Lots of time to think about that.
We got our wheat and clover planted early yesterday morning, and can hardly wait to see how it works out. I'm fairly certain that the children, the short dogs (we have a Bassett/Bordercollie with short legs and a Chihuahua/Terrier/ghetto dog), and the cats will have a
ball running through it this summer. There may be little tunnels everywhere, and I'll love it. How fun! We're hoping that the wheat produced on the previously-a-dog-pen section will help feed my mom's chickens, and that it and the clover will improve the soil. The wheat that's grown up front (between the sidewalk and the street) will be consumed by us. Clover is a nitrogen-depositing plant that has lovely, deep roots to help aerate the soil for whatever grows after it. We have some pretty heavy soil in a couple places so I'm hoping it
really works!
My house is clean but covered in randomly-placed shoes and jackets and seed-packets. I guess that'd be clean but not neat. I don't know, it's driving me crazy whatever it is, but it's much more important to plant right now than anything. Plus, it's not like the stuff is going anywhere - it'll be waiting for me when I have a moment! I've been painting a bit too, priming trim and wainscoting, painting the wainscoting finally, and am thrilled with the results! I didn't realize how much the rental-looking paint jobs in our house bothered me until now, so I'm resisting the urge to go on a rampage and do the whole house at once. There's cleaning to do, and planting. I just paint for a half hour a day or so and it's coming along well, and I'm not going crazy because I want it all done
now. This is new thinking, and I like it most of the time.
I've started harvesting rhubarb, then just slicing it up and freezing it for now. I need to can it as conserve and pie filling, but haven't had a chance this week. I have all the stuff though, so soon!! It is wonderful to be harvesting from the garden again, even if it is rhubarb.